Welcome to McMAP 6.0
PGY1 | McMAP Daily Task Index
To figure out where a task is located, please look at the list below.
Once you find the task, just head back to your PERSONALIZED page and head into the block in which it is associated.
Medical Expert
& Scholar
Observed History
Observed Hx with Barrier
Discharge Instructions
Chart Audit (Content)
Chart Audit (Organization)
Obtaining Consent
Consult Request
Case Presentation
& Collaborator
& Communicator
& Advocate
Observed History - SEGUE (a)
Capacity assessment
Obtaining Consent
Narcotic Prescription
Mandatory Reporting
Chart Audit (Organization)
Chart Audit (Content)
Consult Request (Junior)
Performance Improvement Part 1
Performance Improvement Part 2
Time Management
Tech in the ED
Work/Life Balance
Determinants of Health
Patient Survey
Overcoming Barriers