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One of the key aspects of McMAP is for our developers to use evidence-based educational concepts.  That said, the evidence-base for portfolios and workplace-based assessment are rapidly evolving.  Therefore, the McMAP collaborators have made a conscious effort to be scholarly in our approach throughout this process.


The McMAP Papers


Read about the McMAP project here in our paper within Academic Medicine:

Teresa Chan, Jonathan Sherbino, on behalf of the McMAP collaborators.  McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP): A theoretically-grounded, work-based assessment program.  Academic Medicine. July 2015. (CLICK HERE TO GO TO PAPER) 


Here are some other papers that have come out of our work with McMAP:


McConnell M, Sherbino J, Chan TM. Mind The Gap: The Prospects of Missing Data. Journal of Graduate Medical Education: December 2016; 8(5);708-712.  Available at: DOI: 10.4300/JGME-D-16-00142.1


Li SA, Sherbino J, Chan TM. McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP) through the years: Residents' experience with an evolving feedback culture over a 3-year period. Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training.; 2017;1(1);5-14.  Available at:


Sebok-Syer S, Klinger DA, Sherbino J, Chan TM. (In Press) Mixed Messages or Miscommunication? Investigating the Relationship Between Assessors’ Workplace-Based Assessment Scores and Written Comments. Accepted November 3, 2016. Academic Medicine. PMID: 28562452. Available online first on May 30, 2017. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001743, Available at:



The McMAP Books


We have also just published all the McMAP workplace-based assessments en bloc via the Academic Life in Emergency Medicine press.  Find out more about these e-books here:



McMAP Presentations


Finally, we have presented McMAP at both national and international conferences.  The following are some of our citations.


1.  Teresa Chan, Jonathan Sherbino.  Developing McMAP:  The McMaster Modular Assessment Program. 

  • Presented as a ‘What Works’ oral abstract at the International Conference on Residency Education 2012.  Selected as one of the Top 5 ‘What Works’ abstracts.


2.  Teresa Chan, Jonathan Sherbino, Yoon Soo Park, Nicole Del bel, Alim Pardhan, Clare Wallner, Bryan Judge, Thomas Swoboda.  Validating the McMaster Modular Assessment Program: an evidence-based, clinical assessment system. 

  • Presented as: Validating the McMaster Modular Assessment Program: an evidence-based, clinical assessment system. 
    Abstract presented as a poster the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Conference 2013, Poster Presentation. 2013 CAEP/ACMU Scientific Abstracts June 2-5 Vancouver, BC, CJEM 2013;15(1): S65.

  • Abstract presented at the International Conference on Residency Education 2013.  Oral Presentation. 2013.​


3.  Teresa Chan, Jonathan Sherbino. The McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP) improves quality of in-training evaluation reports via aggregated work-based assessments and guided narrative global assessment. The Ottawa conference: Transforming Healthcare through Excellence in Assessment and Evaluation. Ottawa, Ontario. Oral Presentation, April 28, 2014.


4.  Meghan McConnell, Teresa Chan, Jonathan Sherbino. Testing Construct Validity of the McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP). The Ottawa conference: Transforming Healthcare through Excellence in Assessment and Evaluation. Ottawa, Ontario. Oral Presentation, April 28, 2014.


5.  Megan McConnell, Jonathan Sherbino, Teresa Chan.  The Value of Zeros: Dealing with missing data in competency-based assessments.  International Conference on Residency Education, Toronto, Ontario. November 2014.


6.  Teresa Chan.  Lessons learned in developing a CBME system: The McMAP experience. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians.  Edmonton, AB, Canada.  June 1, 2015.


7. Shelly-Ann Li, Teresa M. Chan. Resident Experiences with Implementation of the McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP): A Programmatic, Workplace-Based Assessment System for an Emergency Medicine Residency Program. In: Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Accountability from self to society. Montreal, QC, Canada; April 17, 2016.


8.  Teresa Chan, Jonathan Sherbino, Mathew Mercuri.  Modeling the learning trajectory of mid-training resident performance: The McMAP experience.  Oral presentation.  In: International Conference on Residency Education.  Niagara Falls, ON, Canada; October 1, 2016.


9. Sebok S, Sherbino J, Klinger D, Chan TM. Mixed Messages or Miscommunication: The relationship between Workplace-Based Assessment scores and Written Comments in the McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP). Oral Presentation In: Research in Medical Education. Seattle, WA, USA; November 15, 2016.


10. Ali Ariaeinejad, Roxanne Patel , Teresa M. Chan, Reza Samavi. P031: Using machine learning algorithms for predicting future performance of emergency medicine residents. In: Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians conference.  Poster. Whistler, BC, Canada, 2017. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine 19 (S1), S88-S88.

McMAP Scholarship

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